
The Feathered Head


$ 235.00

The Feathered Head


$ 235.00

Ladies and Gentlemen, get ready to be dazzled! We present to you Petra, our vintage crown / wreath of embroidered ivory floral appliqués interwoven with delicate faux pearls. The more you look at Petra's circular display of intermingled textures, the more exquisite detail you notice -- right down to the miniscule flower stamens. Soft and ethereal, the flowers of this goddess-like wreath wrap 3/4 of the way around your head, leaving room for a veil, if desired. BE the romance with Petra! 8" diameter. Appliques measure between 1 - 4".

INTERNATIONAL CLIENTS: Email us at info@thefeatheredhead.com for a quote on the lowest available DHL Express International shipping rate for Petra!